Searching ads over the last couple of years, I have come across a couple of 5th wheels that have been converted to bumper pull and I know at least one said that coversion back would be easy as they had the original parts. It is interesting but a little odd looking and I was wondering if anyone has a clue as to whether this is a truly tow worthy modification. There is one a couple of hours from where we live but it is older and since we have been redoing old house number 3, I am about redone out. So, just wondering if anyone knows anything firsthand about such a modification. Thanks! (I have been fascinated by Scamp since I first saw one in the early 90's.)
Wed, 03/19/2014 - 12:27
Turning A 5th Wheel Into A Bumper Pull?
I have seen a handful of Scamp 5th wheels modified to bumper pulls over the years. But to answer your question of whether it is truly a tow worthy modification, that I do not know. I have never heard positive or negative in regards to it. The Scamp factory could tell you or perhaps someone here on the forum who has a bumper pull or has knowledge about the mod can chime in. I pulled some pics from the 4Sale site that show the mod.....
Thanks JA! It is funny how people get a different vision on how to accomplish the task. I think if one worked carefully and really checked the weights that it might work out but just drawing it up and doing it? Ah, too risky.
Especially if you were shopping for Sprinter Van ;-)
Ex Casita 16 SD
EX Aeromate 23
1983 Scamp 19