2017 Quartzsite Gathering - Quartzsite AZ

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mk evenson
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Joined: 01/18/2017 - 18:29
Beautiful sunsets

Thanks for sharing. YES, very beautiful sunsets. Here in Lander it is 26F but a full moon! Ya'll enjoy the rest of the gathering!


Thanks for making us feel so welcome.
If you have a choice, Please buy, "Made in America"

Last seen: 1 month 4 weeks ago
SOI-AdministratorLifetime Member
Joined: 11/01/2013 - 18:17
Quartzsite Concerts

Ukulele Mark gave lessons to his students all week (yellow shirts) and tonight they performed a concert at the Quartzsite Gathering!

Here is a pic from one of their mid-week practice sessions:

And all throughout the week the Quartzsite campers got to enjoy the music of Pete and Jackie, joined by several talented musicians. 

As the music played, Phillip and Catherine enjoyed a 30th Anniversary Dance!


Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 07/22/2015 - 16:34

Looks like it was and still is a beautiful event.  We are sure sorry that we weren't able to be there.  Hopefully we will see all of you next year.  Jim's hip replacement went well and we are two weeks into recovery and he is doing awesome.  All the pictures that were posted are just beautiful.  See you all soon.


Last seen: 1 month 4 weeks ago
SOI-AdministratorLifetime Member
Joined: 11/01/2013 - 18:17
Saturday Events at Quartzsite

Today was overcast with some light rain, but we forged ahead with our schedule of events.

The ladderball tournament is always a lot of fun. Our "Ladder Master" Earl (yellow shirt) explains the rules of the game.

The course is set up and ready.

Let the tournament begin!



Scorekeeping is important!

Winners!!!  1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, with their prizes (walking sticks, SOI gear, etc.)

Following the Ladderball tournament, we had "The Soup Thing."  Everyone brings a can of soup and we warm it all up in big pots.


In the early evening, the campers gathered together for a dessert potluck and campfire, followed by a glorious sunset.



Greg A
Greg A's picture
Last seen: 1 day 1 hour ago
SOI-AdministratorLifetime Member
Joined: 11/02/2013 - 20:45
Quartzsite 2017 Recap

Quartzsite was as always a wonderful get together of old and new friends! This year was especially enjoyable for me as it was the 10 year Anniversary of this unique gathering in the AZ desert.

Here's the official attendance numbers:

144 total trailers officially registered

80 - Casita's;  27 - Escape's; 17 - Scamps; 5 - Bigfoot's; 3 - Oliver's; 6 - Other incl Lil Snoozy, Trillium; and 6 - SOB's (Some Other Brand)

Attendees from 28 US states and 4 Canadian Provinces.


Alberta, Ontario, Manitoba and British Colombia

A great big THANK YOU to all who pitched in and volunteered to work the registration table, soup line, ladderball, dessert table, weekday Happy Hour concerts with Pete n Jackie and all musicians joining in, concert with Ukulele Mark(students and musicians), campfire attendants. We really appreciated your contribution to making this an incredible gathering this year!

A special THANK YOU to our co-host Earl A who also is our secret button/pin maker and Ladderball Master.


Recap of the Activities:

Weekday Happy Hour Concerts @4pm M-Th: This was a really enjoyable social hour with great music provided by all the musicians. Ended every evening with the gorgeous Quartzsite sunsets and off to dinner and nightly socializing.


Friday night concert with Ukulele Mark and students: Ukulele Mark did his usual outstanding job teaching his protege's at the Wed Ukulele workshops and putting on a great concert on Friday night at the central gathering spot. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed and attendance was huge at this event.


Saturday Ladderball tournament: Over 28 teams were entered into this years single elimination ladderball championship overseen by Ladder Master Earl A. Fighting hard into a light AZ rain were the eventual winners. 1st Place: Dave n Sue; 2nd Place: Frida n Susan; 3rd Place: Bill n Mark Honorable Mention: Lance n Kamala


The Great Soup Thing:   The rain ended with the Ladderball championship and the focus turned to the great soup event. All the donated cans of soup were carefully crafted by our SoupMaster Chefs. The cool weather made the soup especially good this year and there wasn't a drop left at the end.


Dessert Pot Luck and Campfire:  First year to try this officially at Quartzsite and it was a huge hit! Folks brought all kinds of desserts to enjoy from store bought to home baked. Jon's 80 mile Blueberry Pie went to the folks lined up early waiting for the tables to open.



A special treat this year a special thanks to the Drone Guys. We called them Black Hat and White Hat, because of the color of the Drones. A rare look at the Quartzsite gathering from the Drone's view.

Great time in the AZ Desert for the Quartzsite 10th Anniversary Gathering. We look forward to seeing and meeting you next year!

Our Trailers:
2015 19 Escape

Buying or Selling Molded FG Trailers:

